Neat Meatballs, fried green beans?
"Storrmmee" <> wrote > (Well, I think she wrote, it gets hard to tell who
wrote what after a while)
at our summer family fish fry its fish of all kinds, hush puppies, onion
rings, french fries, really steak fries, deep fried pickles, deep fried
green beans. baked beans, cole slaw, potato salad, regular green beans,
seven layer salad, home made ice cream, and then a lot of other
Please call me the next time your family does that. I will: wash dishes,
take out the trash, feed the dogs, mop the floor and whatever else needs
doing. That sounds wonderful. In our pre-cardio days we loved all of that
except the deep fried green beans. That's a new one. Details. I want
details. Polly