On Jul 4, 5:35*pm, Omelet > wrote:
> Looks like you have the soul of a sausagemeister. :-)
Here's what I've learned. After reading some of the recipes, one
person said you should mix the sausage and go ahead and stuff the
casings immediately instead of letting it 'cure' in bulk because it
would set up and be harder to work with to stuff...........he was
The mix had set up and was quite stiff and a bitch to get through the
stuffer into the casings. We managed
to do it without too much drama.
The KA is pretty tall sitting on the counter and I'm short, so I put
the mixer down in the SINK to get it
more on my level so I wouldn't need a ladder to use the pusher to get
the mix through the KA.
Here's the way we set it up:
and after much pushing and huffing and puffing.....here's the stuffed
casings ready for the smoker.
About half way through stuffing the sausage this afternoon the phone
rang. It was the property manager telling me that we had to get
everything off the decks because they were going to pressure wash and
stain the decks
starting tomorrow........ Yikes.
So...It's about midnight and I'm close to being finished with the
smoking cause I have to get up and go to work
in the morning. So the sausage won't smoke as long as I wanted it
to......but it certainly is looking good.
I hope it is "smoky" enough.
Not as mahogany as I would have liked....but hey, it is what it is.
All in all, a fun learning experience and some pretty damn decent
sausage for a first try.