Help for a former webtv user.
" > wrote in
> I have finally got rid of my webtv and after reading this
> newsgroup for years I want to continue on the computer. I
> downloaded Forte agent as my newsreader but I need to address
> for the group to have it come up in the newsreader. Can
> someone please help me with that? Thank you in advance.
What you need is a server address and, if a paying server, a
password. They will supply you with the requisite information to
Selecting a reliable server is not an easy task. I use GigaNews
and I pay for it.
I read about an [Inuk] hunter who asked the local missionary
priest: "If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to
hell?" "No," said the priest, "not if you did not know."
"Then why," asked the [Inuk], "did you tell me?"
Annie Dillard