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Storrmmee Storrmmee is offline
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Default Allergic to food!

when i finally got the the right nurologist, he gave me a huge list of
things to avoid, then he said to add them back one at a time, i saw him
because i had five migraines in three weeks, it was the same week nutrecrap
came olut in new coke... I have never been able to add this one back, and
beer was on the list, which i never drink because i am allergic to it, but i
have been able to add back cheese, mushrooms, chocolate, red wine if
limited, and dairy in general, if limited...

also msg if very limited and sugar if very limited...

this dr said migraines have four sources, food allergins, hormone
components, genetic components, and visual stimulant components,

my mother and sister both have them, so that covers genetic, i control the
food allergens, and thank the stars i made it to fifty so the hormone
component is less, and now that i am totally blind that is no longer a

sorry for rambling,

"Doug Freyburger" > wrote in message
> Christine Dabney wrote:
>> A lot of food allergies have not been reported as such in the past
>> more than likely, cause there was no clear cut culprit. Some people
>> who are allergic to gluten for instance, can spend years trying to
>> find out what is making them so sick. When they finally eliminate
>> gluten from their lives, they start feeling well.

> Also - If you have felt that way as far back as you can remember then
> that's normal for you. Normal isn't sick. I never tried to go a week
> wheat free in my life before I decided to do it for reasons that had
> nothing to do with indigestion. My health improved but it was others
> who pointed it out to me. I just felt good. Then I tried wheat again
> and boom the "used to be normal now I call it symptoms" came back.
>> There are probably other substances that have been under reported
>> with people finally becoming aware, they have found out what
>> is making them feel miserable. Not every allergy causes anaphylactic
>> shock...

> If you're not aware that food intolerances happen and certain symptoms
> come and go you might never associate them with diet. Bingo, you
> believe food intolerances don't exist.
> Migraines may well be caused by diet for a lot more people than ever
> believe it. When I read the Atkins books because I was going to try it
> for weight loss I read his claims that migraines will go away. Uh huh,
> yeah sure. He makes all sorts of claims some of which are clearly false
> like "Atkins works for everyone". Yet since 1999 I have had one where I
> had a few debilitating ones per year before I became a part time low
> carber and wheat avoider. What triggers migraines in me I don't know
> but it does involve how I eat differently now.
> I'm far better at curing friends of snoring by talking them off either
> wheat or corn than I am at curing friends of migraines, though. I know
> exactly what triggers my loud snoring. I just know something in how I
> eat differently no longer triggers migraines.