Twelve SMART Men
On Jul 5, 2:36*pm, "gloria.p" > wrote:
> On 7/5/2011 1:31 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
> > On 7/5/2011 3:08 PM, Nancy2 wrote:
> >> On Jul 5, 1:39 pm, Brooklyn1<Gravesend1> wrote:
> >>> There are 12 people with an IQ... made my day!
> >> There were 7 women. Why does your subject say men?
> >> And I will say - only in Florida would this happen. It's OJ all over
> >> again - everyone knows she's guilty as hell, the hard evidence just
> >> wasn't there to prove it.
> >> A well-deserved pox on all the liars in that joke of a family.
> > I can't imagine what her life will be like after this. Going out
> > to bars where everyone's whispering can't be all that much fun.
> > I would think she'd be in danger from kooks, on top of that.
> > nancy
> Seriously? * She'll write at least one book and a movie about
> poor, misunderstood Casey, and she'll party all the way to the bank.
> SOMEONE killed the child and who had more opportunity and stood to gain
> more from the death? *(Freedom from motherhood.)
> OB food: *she got out of a pickle and is now high on the hog.
> gloria p
LOL- You are your pun!