Country Style Pork Ribs - How to?
Tommy Joe wrote in
> On Jul 4, 4:59*pm, "cshenk" > wrote:
> > The small cube unit we used for years became extra counterspace (bit
> > low but worked) in some places and was often in others located in
> > the living room where we had space. *It even spent time as a TV
> > stand in our daughter's room for a bit.
> I read your entire post, enjoyed it, but responding only to the
> part above. I think it's funny how this part of your post is a lesson
> of sorts in seeing the positives in things, such as for example:
> Nothing takes up 'too much space' if it can be used for something.
> See, I'm really quite a positive person. I suppose if I had my own
> home and tons of money I might have a refrigerator custom-built to go
> all the way around the kitchen, but only tall enough to handle the
> tallest bottles you may want to cool. Then the entire rpund-the-block
> cooling system could be used to put things. The cooling system would
> go all the way around the room at chest height, so things could be
> stored not only on top but below as well. It would have four doors,
> one for each corner; maybe two if you have a really large kitchen.
LOL! No harm in replying to just the part of interest! Yeah, I tend
to look for how to use things best and make do.
I just wish I could afford a kitchen remodel. I'm still recovering from
50,000$ house damage from renters of which we had to contract out
25,000$ worth that we could not do ourselves. Lets just say we got
into the house by walking through what *used* to be the wall of the 4th
We are down now to cosmetics and our first 'luxury' addition is a shed
going out back. A 10x10 wood unit. Don and I are very handy with
repairs but are getting on in life so we are having them install it.
Ordered it this past weekend but they goofed something so I have to go
back Thursday and re-order after they cancel this one.
Then, probably new carpet. Final stage is a kitchen cabinet along an
8ft blank wall to give more counterspace, with 6 outlets for all my fun
The glory of owning is you can do what you want. The pain is no one
fixes it for you no matter what it is. You build equity but you can be
hit with a 2-5000$ bill suddenly.
OHH! Vet just called back. Aunti Mabel's ear culture is back. Now
they have a lead and I get the meds and details tomorrow. They found
out 2 strains of very resistant bacteria so she's going on anti-biotics
of 2 types for 2 weeks then a recheck before they are stopped to see if
she needs more. Gotta laugh a little as the vet shyly explained she's
going to use a med with a side effect on some dogs but *excellent* for
her condition. Has a high rate of causing deafness but is much gentler
on older dogs. Since she's already deaf, anything to fix her ears
works for me! I'll get the full lowdown on it all tomorrow.