Can not reply to the chopped thread.
blake murphy wrote in
> On Mon, 04 Jul 2011 17:05:39 -0500, cshenk wrote:
> > Julie Bove wrote in
> >
> >>
> >> "Storrmmee" > wrote in message
> >> ...
> >>> part of that is because you don't share the fun stuff, not getting
> >>> on you here but consider;
> >>>
> >>> you ha d said you asked for the freezer for you birthday, then
> >>> nothing else... to me, this is quite an on topic post as it is an
> >>> appliance that stores food, encourages savings and makes it
> easier >>> to prepare food because you can have more variety, and if
> you get >>> enough of a bargian on the meat either you save the
> money, or be >>> like me and sometimes buy a luxury food...
> >>>
> >>> i am not nagging but i sure would have liked to read a seperate
> >>> post of, where you shopped, when you bought it, why you bought
> it, >>> and even the stresses and strains of getting it into the
> house, >>>
> >>> i hope this makes sense, Lee
> >>
> >> No way would I say what I put in the freezer because for sure
> someone >> here would start picking on me for what it is that I
> bought!
> >
> > Don't worry Julie. Sheldon hates freezers. He's got the mentality
> > that they are bad. Most others here though have them or want one or
> > understand the usage of them.
> i don't think so. doesn't he make eighteen-gallon batches of soup?
And that he hates freezers (grin). I suspect he freezes plenty of
things and makes much smaller batches than he claims.