I decided to make andouille sausage this weekend.
Jill blathered about andouille in her reply to graham:
>> Is this a Cajun version? The original French type is made from the
>> chitterlings (intestines).
> Maybe you're thinking of chaurice, which is the Creole version of Spanish
> chorizo. I believe Andouille originated with the French. Early
> Cajun/Creole history in Louisiana and lower Mississippi has much to do
> with French Canadians (Acadians) and Spain.
Can't you ****ing read? graham wrote, "The original French type..." and you
replied, "I believe Andouille originated with the French." You started off
saying he was wrong, then wrote the same thing that he wrote!
Did you really think you were CORRECTING graham? He was correct in what he
wrote, you know. From Wikipedia: "traditional French andouille is composed
primarily of the intestines and stomach"
Maybe you were thinking of cats on a rainbow, and just wrote the first
stupid thing that entered your stupid head.