I decided to make andouille sausage this weekend.
Giusi wrote:
> "jmcquown" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> How about you engineer yourself a better newsreader? Google groups
>> doesn't cut it.
> Just today I am reading over and over criticisms of how people arrive here
> and how they communicate. This is what is killing usenet. It's so damned
> clubby and precise now that people are more comfortable and happy elsewhere
> and now there are so many elsewheres.
It's called blaming the victim and it has been driving new folks away
from UseNet ever since any competition existed. Back in the days of
dial in BBS systems that was competition. Now web boards are
compeitition. Think about it - If you were to come to UseNet today for
the first time, would you stay or would you go to a web board where such
postings get siliently dropped by the moderator?