Best way to grill a rib roast please?
On 7/6/2011 5:01 AM, Storrmmee wrote:
> how arrogant to think one can pass a judgement on what is and is not
> nessary, this is not only hillarious, but pompus and arrogant, next sw will
> be telling those of you with children how many is nessary... too funny, Lee
I view these posts by using a T-bird preview screen. I don't know how
everybody else reads newsgroups but your top posting saves me the
trouble of having relocate my pointer to the little box thingie and
dragging down to scroll to the bottom. I guess everybody else must have
some kind of automatic scrolling gizmo or they really enjoy being forced
to make the same sequence of moves over and over again.
> "Steve > wrote in message
> ...
>> > wrote:
>>> Lee is the only one here who consistently top posts unnecessarily.
>> That's right, and because she's the only one doing it, it's not that
>> irritating. If half the newsgroup were doing it, it would be a
>> nightmare, but as it is, it's no big deal.
>> S.