True! When I first saw this documentary, that was my first question. I live within 300 yards of both dairy cows and beef steers. I move both by offering them corn to move into the trailer. They love the stuff. They also live very healthy in WI. They also graze on wild grasses and eat alfalfa in the winter. Just like most mammals, they need a balance. Corn is a healthy part of that balance. Anyone who has done farm work can tell you cows like corn.
Saying it's not natural is like saying it goes against nature to plant potatoes and tomatos anywhere but in the Americas.
Mansanto might scare folks. They do me. That's why I like less GM stuff for my diet. Still, that's just my choice and there is no data to back the ill effects of eating the stuff.
Water is wet-fact. Global warming exists-still opinion. Something sure appears to be going on, though. Is it man-made or of nature? THAT is the question.
I notice that some of my allergic reactions change as I age. Just like some of my tastes. No reason to freak out, man.