Bucatini di colatura
ViLco > wrote:
> Victor Sack wrote:
> > I opted for the second method, adding some tomato pieces. The
> > bucatini, by the way, were a highly recommendable OggiPasta brand
> > produced by Rustichella d'Abruzzo.
> Rustichella is a very good brand.
Yes, but it is interesting that the brand is actually OggiPasta. I
suspect it was acquired by Rustichella d'Abruzzo a few years ago and is
still produced under its old name. Neither the OggiPasta nor the
Rustichella Web sites mention the relationship, but this site does:
> The correct name of this dish, though, is
> "bucatini alla colatura" or "bucatini con la colatura".
Yes, thank you. I actually started out with "alla colatura", but then
changed it for some stupid reason.