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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Country Style Pork Ribs - How to?

sf wrote in

> On Wed, 06 Jul 2011 19:05:32 -0500, "cshenk" > wrote:
> > sf wrote in
> >
> > > On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 22:06:55 -0700 (PDT), Tommy Joe
> > > > wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > I guess that's one positive to renting a so-called
> > > > furnished place. This place, because of its label, must
> > > > provide an oven and a fridge. It's not fully furnished like
> > > > the transient style joints I stayed in when I lived in L.A.
> > > > You have to get your own furniture. Yes, buying a new fridge,
> > > > or even a used one, would be a stresser for me, that's for
> > > > sure. I hate shopping. W
> > >
> > > A furnished apartment comes with actual furniture... you know - a
> > > bed, a couch, a table... stuff like that. An apartment with a
> > > kitchen that includes a refrigerator and a stove but nothing else
> > > is still an unfurnished apartment.

> >
> > Depends on the area. In lots of places, they call it 'furnished'
> > if it has a fridge and stove. 'Fully furnished' is used it it has
> > a bed and dresser etc. Has to do with local laws and patterns I
> > expect.
> >
> > Oh and in some, 'unfurnished' specifically means no stove or fridge
> > and may also mean no hot water heater believe it or not. Overseas,
> > that can also mean no kitchen cabinets our countertops. Just
> > hookups for a sink and such.

> I'm just talking about the US. Furnished means it has a stove and
> refrigerator, but no actual furniture here in the USA?

Varies in the USA too. Yes, it can mean that. When it does, the
wording for what you look for is 'fully furnished' meaning has bed,
sofa and such.

In San Antonio Texas, my apartment was 'fully furnished' but i had the
option to drop to just 'furnished' (stove, fridge) for some 20$ less a
month. For that extra 20$ a month I had everything, even curtins. Just
starting out, it would have taken years for me to afford the bedrom set

In Hawaii, 'furnished' meant fridge and stove. I did not see any
'fully furnished' ads when I got an apartment there and could have used
them. Slept on an airmattress for several months until we paid off the
queen foldout sofa bed.

Clemson SC, furnished meant basic furniture plus the kitchen stove and
fridge. They used 'semi furnished' for just stove and fridge.
Unfurnished meant no stove or fridge.

Virginia beach, furnished means basic kitchen stove and fridge again.
Only 'fully furnished' means with a bed and such.

As far as I know, hot waterheater is automatic in the USA for
