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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Country Style Pork Ribs - How to?

Brooklyn1 wrote in

> On Wed, 06 Jul 2011 20:48:39 -0500, Lou Decruss
> > wrote:
> >On Tue, 05 Jul 2011 17:29:05 -0500, "cshenk" > wrote:
> >
> > > I just wish I could afford a kitchen remodel. I'm still
> > > recovering from 50,000$ house damage from renters of which we had
> > > to contract out 25,000$ worth that we could not do ourselves.
> > > Lets just say we got into the house by walking through what used
> > > to be the wall of the 4th bedroom.

> >
> > That's exactly why I sold and didn't rent the house I just got rid
> > of. It took close to a year to sell and I had many people look at
> > it and wanted to rent because it's so hard to get a mortgage now.
> > I lost 20% but I could have lost more to a bad renter. You never
> > know.

> Much more likely you were foreclosed for non payment of mortgage and
> taxes and your cocain snorting ass kicked out.
> Cshenk is a BSer, she keyboard kooked those numbers, it's near
> impossible to cause $50K damage to a structure save burning it to the
> ground... but more importantly anyone who rents their house would have
> added a landlord's rider to their homeowners ins, I do that all the
> time, and the tenant pays the premium as I calculate the cost as part
> of their rent, about $60/mo or $2/day... and still the regular
> homeowner's insurance covers most of the damage anyway, and for that
> kind of alleged damage a landlord would have gone to court and
> obtained a judgement against the tenant for damage and any back rent
> and future lost rent... and for that kind of alleged damage the tenant
> would have been convicted and put in prison (the insurance company
> would have brought charges even if the homeowner didn't), and still
> owe the money judgement. I also tell every tenant to obtain renters
> ins. and have them sign that they were apprised, but I can't force
> them to buy ins... renters insurance covers their belongings,
> liability, etc, and pays for temporary housing for several months in
> case of fire, flood or the stucture is otherwise rendered
> uninhabitable... renters ins is a rider one can add to their
> automobile ins., typically costs about $30/mo or $1/day. Most tenants
> do not buy renter's ins., for the same reason that tenants are
> tenants. But Cshenk is lying here... I've been a landlord far too
> long for her and Lou our resident druggie to BS me.

Pray tell when they can not find the tenants (police were all over
looking for them for other issues) how you take them to court? My
insurance paid what they could but there was no date to attach to the
damage. Their renters insurance was not paid and my household
insurance did not cover damage that may have been 4 years before my
return stateside. There is a date limit on claims.

As to how you can have 50,000$ of damage, try this set for size. That
is the estimated cost of professional installers.

Back bedroom, access house by walking what used to be the wall. Alone
the mold and other damage was 50,000$ if restored to a full bedroom to
new specs (older ones used, rebuild did not grandfather and roof had to
be raised, went sunroom instead for 12,000).

Front picture window propped in place with 2x4, water damage inside
living room fairly extensive.

HVAC compressor removed and taken with them (Train unit).

Both bathroom windows broken out, water damage to walls.

Outlets mostly ripped out of walls in such a way as to require
structural repair before electrican work to reseat boxes.

Dog pee to the point of sub-wood flooring removal and replacement in 1
room (third bedroom)

Chimny cap ripped off so rain poured in (1,825$ in mortor repairs and
could have sheared off the house with one more winter).

Flame burned linoleum in kitchen and bathroom (cigarettes apparently
put out on the floor).

Patio door to back porch ripped off and propped by 2x4, metal runners
not fixable.

Every light fixture busted to the point of having to replace them, some
requiring structural repair to add a new fixture in first.

Missing doors interior stacked in garage (hey, at least they left some
of them!)

I can go on but that's enough of it.

They dissapeared in the night 3 months before we got back stateside
owing 2 months back rent. Police are still looking for them for things
not related to us and if they catch them, anything they have, we are
bottom of the barrel to get renumerated for.

Post your crap if you wish. I've lived the reality unlike you. Also
unlike you, my neighbors were really happy to see us back (no wonder
but it wasnt just the renters from hell they were too embarrassed to
email us about).

You are full of shit this time.
