Country Style Pork Ribs - How to?
well it would be the taste, he has very little sense of smell but when we
went into his apt, it would gag him, i am not sure what it was the last time
we ate with his sister, was something with chicken, spicey and not too hot,
but while i kniw there were some sort of vegegtables i can't remember atm, i
am tired and the rain is screwing with baseball, Lee
"Bob Terwilliger" > wrote in message
> Lee wrote:
>>> I like country-style pork ribs in coconut milk with Thai yellow curry,
>>> broccoli, and red bell peppers.
>> does that yellow go with the broccoli? i have eatin very little indian
>> food, the dh doesn't care for it so only when we eat do i ever get it, he
>> does the majority of the physical cooking, and he is so not into indian
>> food, its not fair to force it on him, his adverse reaction is from a
>> college roommate that was hidious with curry powder, when you walked in
>> the front door it assualted you, i wasn't interested for years
> Yellow curry goes *splendidly* with broccoli. Thai curries are very
> different from Indian curries; it's likely that your husband wouldn't
> associate Thai curries with the smell he remembers from his college days.
> They're alike in name only; they don't smell the same at all.
> I can think of five "main" Thai curries: red, yellow, green, Masaman, and
> Panang. Panang curry with beef is possibly the most beloved Thai curry in
> existence.
> Bob