Country Style Pork Ribs - How to?
sf wrote:
>> Panang curry with beef is possibly the most beloved Thai curry in
>> existence.
> I haven't even heard of it. OTOH, Massaman (spelled Mussman at my
> local Thai restaurant) is really good.
Masaman is for Muslims. Literally. It's a corruption of the word
"Mussulman," which means "Muslim."
One of my Thai cookbooks includes a conversation between the author and some
Thai schoolgirls. The author asks, "What's your favorite curry?" and gets a
variety of answers. The last one questioned replies, "Panang Nya" (Panang
curry with beef). The other schoolgirls protest, "Panang Nya doesn't count.
That's EVERYBODY'S favorite!"
You ought to try it at least once.