The Cook > wrote:
> After two or three days of little picking, today I picked over 20
> pounds from my 8 plants. The baseball bats are going into the compost
> pile. If I were not staring at so many (some in the refrigerator) I
> might try to come up with ideas to use them.
Twenty pounds of cucumbers from eight plants... Am I going to have fun this
fall. I have twenty four pickling cucumbers plants. My plants are around
one foot high on trellises, no fruits yet. Late planting due heavy rains
last may.
I will try make different kinds of relishes this year from the Holy Book of
Canning from Ball. I tend use a lot relishes for sandwich spreads, hotdogs
and tarter sauce.
So how many quarts or pints did you get from twenty pounds of cucumbers?
I just want know what I am getting my self into
Enjoy Life... Nad R (Garden in zone 5a Michigan)