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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Country Style Pork Ribs - How to?

Tommy Joe wrote in

> On Jul 7, 8:15*pm, "cshenk" > wrote:
> > Post your crap if you wish. *I've lived the reality unlike you. Also
> > unlike you, my neighbors were really happy to see us back (no wonder
> > but it wasnt just the renters from hell they were too embarrassed to
> > email us about).
> >
> > You are full of shit this time.

> I am not in this issue. Ok, now I am. I can go either way, but
> I have a theory that everything comes from the top. When someone
> rents something to someone and isn't around to see how they use it, I
> suppose maybe they really don't care about what they're renting as
> much as whatever they did in their absence.
> I would never have enough money to rent a place out to someone
> else. In a way, thank God for that. I can't claim to have any
> knowledge about the reality field. But I think patience is the name
> of the game. I have wrecked many an apartment I've stayed in, I'll
> admit. Not maliciously. But I left a few in worse shape than when I
> got there. Of course they weren't in very good shape then either.
> Once a person decides to rent something, they have forfeited at
> least some percentage of their right to complain about what happens
> afterwards. That is my verdict, based mainly on your comment that
> your neighbors were happy to see you back. That means you never
> should have left, or you should have left your place vacant when you
> did. But once again, as always, I had to chime in on something that
> caught my attention.

A complicated issue here. I bought the house when I was in the Navy
and they said they had a homesteading plan so you'd prety much stay in
that spot with minimal tours elsewhere (like 1 year remote duty without
family then back). Then, they changed.

At 18 years (takes 20 to hit retirement) I was told I was moving to
Japan or I could get out and lose all benefits and the retirement. It
would be basically as if i never served, none of the stuff I had worked
for would carry over. No medical coverage in a time where my
pre-existing made me uninsurable to to Navy time service related issues.

The house could have been sold, but we rented it. We wanted it back.
We rened to a school teacher (widow) with 3 kids. In 2001, all was
well. In 2004, we could not get orders back to our area as the rules
again changed so I had to either go to Great Lakes or do what i did
which was take a second tour in Japan. At that time, her kids were not
an issue and the rental agent was taking care of things.

Someplace in 2006, the kids went wild on her (ages 15-19 then) and she
lost control. I was in Japan. In fact, Thailand, Korea, Austrialia,
Hong Kong, Timor and such places. With so many years of checks on my
place with no issues, the inside checks from the realtor stopped as the
outside looked good. (He has since changed that policy in shock after
my place).

Most of the damage can be tracked to final blow out parties by the kids
when the lady was at work in the last few months. Finally, some really
bad stuff happened to the kids and 2 of them died. Best as we know,
she grabbed the last kid and ran to get him away from all that. She
hid well.

Even if they do find her, unless she wins a big lottery, I wont go
after her for the damages. She's had it hard enough as it is. For all
but the end she got the rent to us which let us keep the house or we
would have been yet another forclosure statistic.

I never met the lady, but i can be ****ed at the damage and feel for
her at the same time. I had to repair a house. She lost a family.

I don't know what else to say other than in the long run, I probably
got the better end of the deal.
