Help for a former webtv user.
On Jul 5, 3:08*pm, sf > wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 13:59:19 -0400, "J. Clarke" >
> wrote:
> > In article <e13562dc-fc69-4616-8f51-070d51395b09
> >>, says...
> > > I have finally got rid of my webtv and after reading this newsgroup
> > > for years I want to continue on the computer. I downloaded Forte agent
> > > as my newsreader but I need to address for the group to have it come
> > > up in the newsreader. Can someone please help me with that? Thank you
> > > in advance.
> > You need access to a news server. *Your ISP may have one, or you may
> > need to subscribe to one. * Eternal September is free and works
> > <>. *
> The newer versions of Forte can handle multiple servers,
That is nice, would that be like getting multiple feeds at the same
time? Did that with hamster and used agent, talk about how much spam
and BS is really out there on usenet