Country Style Pork Ribs - How to?
On Jul 8, 8:33*pm, "cshenk" > wrote:
> Even if they do find her, unless she wins a big lottery, I wont go
> after her for the damages. *She's had it hard enough as it is. *For all
> but the end she got the rent to us which let us keep the house or we
> would have been yet another forclosure statistic.
> I never met the lady, but i can be ****ed at the damage and feel for
> her at the same time. I had to repair a house. *She lost a family.
> I don't know what else to say other than in the long run, I probably
> got the better end of the deal.
I had a little trouble absorbing your words as I'm smoking weed
right now. Either that or I'm just a selfish person who spends more
time reading his own words than those of others.
I wasn't trying to put you on the defensive (well, ok, maybe, in a
way), just more or less having a little laugh at the expense of those
who embrace the idea of trying to get ahead. This usually involves a
lot of absentee-ism, it seems. It was not you or your story directly
that I was being sarcastic with, just the whole idea of people having
"agents" and others doing things for them, everything getting bigger
and bigger and further apart - and as this happens more and more
things happen as more and more arises the opportunity to blame someone
else for whatever bad things happen. I just see humor in it. I am
not against people buying homes or wanting more. But sometimes I just
can't help but see the humor when such endeavors fail and things fall
apart and the go-getters start crying the blues. I just find humor in
that. Plus, in a cowardly, roundabout way, maybe I'm still feeling a
bit defensive about brooklyn1's negative comments about tenants -
meaning me - and now that feeling is directed at you and your
unfortunate situation - which as you say may not be so unfortunate
afterall - because in reality the final result of all situations
cannot be judged until they are over.
Onward, March!