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Ed Pawlowski[_2_] Ed Pawlowski[_2_] is offline
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Default Which tool? meat grinding

"Polly Esther" > wrote in message
> Keep in mind that I am older than dirt and live too far away from 911 to
> get help if I get hurt, what's a best tool for grinding meat? I've been
> reading the "for $1 a day" thread and it crosses my dim little mind that I
> could achieve a better quality of 'ground' and better price if I did the
> grinding myself.
> Do you use the food processor? ( I don't have one but would consider
> it.) An attachment to the KitchenAid? Is there a way to grind that
> disassembles by dippy old great grannies and can be put in the dishwasher?
> Sounds like a worthwhile journey. I look forward to your experience.
> Polly

If you already have a Kitchen Aid mixer, the grinder does a decent job. Most
times we do 5 to 10 pounds for sausage and it gets the job done. There are
some stand alones that work better, but then you have to deal with another
appliance and the space it needs.