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Cheryl[_3_] Cheryl[_3_] is offline
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Default Who uses a bar code app?

On 7/9/2011 4:52 PM, J. Clarke wrote:
> In >, lid says...
>> On 7/9/2011 2:44 PM, Metspitzer wrote:
>>> My phone is an inexpensive one. I really don't have the need for a
>>> fancy one, but they have some pretty cool features.
>>> It would be nice if I could store the prices of the foods I frequently
>>> buy and compile a list of how much each store I shop charges for them.
>>> I would think a phone with a bar code reader would make this easy.

>> I have a bar code reader on my phone. I use it occasionally.
>> Seems like it would be a lot of work to do what you are describing when
>> considering things like price changes. If a can of peas was $0.69 the
>> last time how do you know it will be that the next time? This would be
>> especially true with items such as meat that usually account for a large
>> amount of the total.

> You might want to take a look at "Splashshopper". It's available for
> iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, and PalmOS, manages shopping
> lists handily, and includes the ability to track multiple stores.

I've never looked into some of these smart phone apps because my
personal phone couldn't use them, but I do have a blackberry for work.
Do these apps have a cost to download? I hear everyone talking about
their iphone apps. Do they pay for them? I guess I could research it
but since my personal phone doesn't support them, I just haven't
bothered. Now I wonder what I might be missing.
