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Ed Pawlowski[_2_] Ed Pawlowski[_2_] is offline
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Default Who uses a bar code app?

"Cheryl" > wrote
> I've never looked into some of these smart phone apps because my personal
> phone couldn't use them, but I do have a blackberry for work. Do these
> apps have a cost to download? I hear everyone talking about their iphone
> apps. Do they pay for them? I guess I could research it but since my
> personal phone doesn't support them, I just haven't bothered. Now I
> wonder what I might be missing.


Many are free, some have a cost, but usually moderate, from 99¢ to about
$10. A few have recurring monthly fees, but they are more specialized.

Some are practical and useful, but some are just silly. I've used the
calculator and the stop watch a few times, but mostly, I can use a simple
method by the time you get your app up and running. Unit conversions can be
handy and the money exchange rate updates for you. Fact is, the Euro hovers
within pennies on a regular basis and I can do the conversion close enough
in my head faster than you can whip out the phone. The bar code scanner is
not so hot at finding information.

I do like the fact I can catch the weather and instead of taking the
newspaper to the john, I can read the headline news on the phone. In any
case, a phone is not a substitute for real life.