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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Which tool? meat grinding

zxcvbob wrote in

> Polly Esther wrote:
> > Keep in mind that I am older than dirt and live too far away from
> > 911 to get help if I get hurt, what's a best tool for grinding
> > meat? I've been reading the "for $1 a day" thread and it crosses
> > my dim little mind that I could achieve a better quality of
> > 'ground' and better price if I did the grinding myself. Do you
> > use the food processor? ( I don't have one but would consider
> > it.) An attachment to the KitchenAid? Is there a way to grind
> > that disassembles by dippy old great grannies and can be put in
> > the dishwasher? Sounds like a worthwhile journey. I look forward
> > to your experience. Polly

> I use a #12 electric grinder I bought from about 5
> years ago; I think it was on sale for $70, marked down from $100. I
> wouldn't buy anything smaller than a #8 electric or a #10 (or 12)
> hand crank.
> I used to use a #10 Chop Rite that clamps to a tabletop. This
> electric model uses the same size plates and is much faster. I can
> grind an entire brisket in just a couple of minutes.
> There's nothing inherently wrong with hand crank grinders, but good
> luck finding a decent one anymore.

I have a small hand grinder as well. It works but as we got older, it
was harder to handle and it doesnt do bones. For smaller amounts
though, it's suitable, say 1-2 lbs of meat chopped roughly to 2 inch
square bits. It is dishwasher safe. If memory serves, 25$ around 2002?
