Cleaning SS beer kegs
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Cleaning SS beer kegs
(Joe Sallustio) wrote in message . com>...
> Are you sure idophor is ok with winemaking? I was pretty sure that
> was exclusive to beermakers because you left it in, but do not use it.
> I thought there was a problem with exposing the wine to it. (We just
> started making beer...)
Well, I'm a homebrewer, so that's where I got the habit from, to be
sure. As far as I know, it should be fine, if it is indeed used
properly. After all, when you drink wine out, I'd guarantee that
you're drinking it from glasses sanitized with iodophor as the
no-rinse sanitizer, right? Same with all of your plates, glasses and
silverware. On the other hand, I'd wager that 75% of people using it
at home are using it wrong, including homebrewers. They are likely
mixing up concentrations that are way too strong, and/or filling
containers IMMEDIATELY following iodophor rinse, without letting it
dry for a moment. That's a sure-fire way to get a little of it in
whatever you are using it for. Then again, taste tests and experiments
have shown that a little iodophor is literally undetectable even to
the experienced imbiber, although it's not the taste I'd be worried
about. I just make sure to use it properly so that I'm not consuming
any of the solution for any reason!
> With wine containers, after cleaning, I rinse with a 1% sulfite and ~
> .5% citric acid solution to sanitize instead of idophor. I just let it
> drip out and have at it. I have no idea if it has prevented problems,
> but don't have any and figure it's cheap insurance. If stink is any
> indicator, it kills lots of stuff...
Well, I've been using iodophor for years for both winemaking and
brewing. One big bottle will last me for years. Each new bottle only
costs like ten bucks, so maybe three dollars per year is cheap enough
for me. As far as how well it works, well, lets say that I've met
other home winemakers that were dismayed that they had some kind of
problem that wine made from the same harvest of grapes that we bought
at the same store turned out differently. Maybe, just maybe, that has
something to do with sabitation techniques. I have done the sodium
percarbonate for cleaning, iodophor for sterlilizing regimen for
years, and so good.
But, if anybody has some chemical or scientific reason why I shouldn't
use it, I'm open to the discussion.
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