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Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Which tool? meat grinding

On Sat, 9 Jul 2011 23:03:37 -0500, "Polly Esther"
> wrote:

>Keep in mind that I am older than dirt and live too far away from 911 to get
>help if I get hurt, what's a best tool for grinding meat? I've been reading
>the "for $1 a day" thread and it crosses my dim little mind that I could
>achieve a better quality of 'ground' and better price if I did the grinding

You rang?

> Do you use the food processor? ( I don't have one but would consider
>it.) An attachment to the KitchenAid?

Forget food processors and those toys r us KA attachments are
worthless, they turn good meat into garbage.

>Is there a way to grind that
>disassembles by dippy old great grannies and can be put in the dishwasher?
>Sounds like a worthwhile journey. I look forward to your experience. Polly

Meat grinders can't go into a dishwasher, but they hand wash easily in
under two minutes. Go to, they have several but for home
use I like this one: