Which tool? meat grinding
Andy wrote in rec.food.cooking:
> Polly,
> Be forewarned, it tends to be a very laborious/tiresome process.
> For example, I wouldn't grind one pound of rib eye to make four
> burgers. Parts being parts, cleanup is an obvious PITA.
> And keep in mind, electric grinders do require manual labor.
> I have the KA grinder attachment and can honestly say it got old
> really fast.
> Think about letting your butcher or supermarket meat dept. grind what
> you need. They'll do it in an instant. Shop and pick it up later,
> before checkout.
Andy, I disagree inless you mean specifically the kitchenaide version
attachment which I know little about other than it exists.
Setup for the Tasin is as simple as pulling it onto the counter. It
does 20 lbs RMB in 10 minutes and in the case of chicken necks, no prep
work such as cutting to size is needed. Cleanup and oiling takes about
5 minutes.
A bone in pork butt takes us about the same time but that's with Don
cutting the meat down as I feed it in the hopper and mix in the spices
we like.
Like anything, it probably took longer the first few times because we
were not familiar with the device nor with the optimal size of meat
cuts. Pork butt for example we make in longish thin strips to feed
down the hopper with a bit of fat cap.
Really easy is grinding round 'steak' for ground beef. We swish that
in a very mild bleach solution, let rest 30 seconds then wash off (I
know it sounds funny but you are talking about 1/8 TS in a gallon or so
bowl which is drinkable levels and probably should use more). Slice to
strips and feed the hopper. 10 lbs in 10 minutes is common. (Don will
have it sliced in 5 while I feed the machine then I wash up while he
baggies it for the freezer).
Keep in mind though the Tasin is a high end grinder. Not the very top
most, but best in it's catagory and you pay for it. Watch out for
knockoffs from Amazon. I have the real tasin, not a knock off. I
needed that to make dog food.