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Janet Wilder[_1_] Janet Wilder[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 5,516
Default Who uses a bar code app?

On 7/9/2011 1:44 PM, Metspitzer wrote:
> My phone is an inexpensive one. I really don't have the need for a
> fancy one, but they have some pretty cool features.
> It would be nice if I could store the prices of the foods I frequently
> buy and compile a list of how much each store I shop charges for them.
> I would think a phone with a bar code reader would make this easy.

I don't think a bar code reader would do this for you. There are apps
that will keep track of notes and stuff and you might want to consider
one of those.

I have a shopping list app that allows me to enter prices as well as a
bit of other information and that might be helpful.

Almost all of the apps on my phone are free. One of them cost me 99
cents, a one time fee. Another, which lets me tether my phone to the
netbook without incurring a separate fee from my phone provider was
about $13, again a one time fee. I pay about $15 per year for MLB At Bat
so DH can keep track of baseball scores and even listen to "radio"
feeds of his beloved Yankees.

I have some super helpful apps on my phone including a
Spanish/English-English/Spanish dictionary which makes like here a lot
easier. The shopping list app keeps several lists for me for different
stores I shop at like one for the supermarket, one for Sam's Club, one
for Target, one for WalMart, etc. I also keep a list of favorite wines
and their vintages so if I spot one on sale, I can nab it.

I have an app that I make check lists on so I don't forget my errands, etc.

I have used the bar code scanner programs to check prices on big things,
like electronics and it's been very helpful.

Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.