REC Chef Lou's Hush Puppies w/Spicy Sauce
Steve Pope wrote in
> cshenk > wrote:
> > James Post wrote in
> >> I'm astounded that you don't own a crock pot. I thought everyone
> had >> one. Like a television or microwave oven these days. In fact,
> you're >> the first person I've met in many years that doesn't own a
> crock pot. >> Interesting!
> > Many don't because they do not know how to use one properly. For
> > others, the idea just doesn't appeal to them. That or they
> > associate the device only with beans and are perfectly happy with
> > canned beans.
> > Then you have the 'immediate' set. They want the food ready as
> > fast as possible and do not care about cost of electric/gas. I do
> > that too with some dishes.
> I don't own a crock pot because:
> (1) I do not agree with unattended cooking from a fire safety
> standpoint. (2) I usually do not agree with extended low-temperature
> cooking from a food safety standpoint.
> (3) It's easy to cook beans perfectly without a crock pot
> (4) It's easy to braise meats perfectly without a crock pot
> (5) The great cuisines of the world were developed without this device
> (6) I don't have more space for unnecessary gadgets
> Steve
Suit yourself Steve but a crockpot going in the kitchen while you watch
TV is not unsafe from a fire point. It's like leaving the bathroom
light on or the kitchen light on when not in there. It's a hell of a
lot more safe than stove topping stock for 4 hours in the same
Extended low temp cooking is something you probably have incorrect
ideas on and ideas that do not match the temp of the device.
3-5, your choice and no problem.
6- you do not have any experiernce with the device so are not qualified
to judge it.