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Default Today I made my first dinner for my mother

On Mon, 11 Jul 2011 18:46:08 -0800, Mark Thorson >

> I've got a book she gave me, _Kauai_Cookbook_, which
> has a chapter of Japanese-style recipes which are
> the sort of food she was raised on.

Lucky you! Maybe you can share some of them from time to time, what
you posted sounded very tasty.

> As her memory
> of recent events has been diminishing, she spends
> more time reminising about Kauai. I hear the same
> stories over and over again. I can tell you about
> the roller skating rink my grandfather built, my
> great-aunt who married the head of the rich Kimata
> family (she's still alive at 104), etc.

It's called oral family history, some people record it for posterity.
A local Oahu or Kauai library may jump at the chance to archive it,
heck maybe the SF main library would do it. You have no idea how many
people wish they could learn their family history that way. There are
several people here who will be able to advise you on the care and
feeding of an elder relative (I can think of 3 immediately). Good


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