Today I made my first dinner for my mother
John Kuthe > wrote:
> On Jul 11, 9:46 pm, Mark Thorson > wrote:
>> ...
>> I am wondering about how taste changes when people
>> get old. Does taste diminish, so should I compensate
>> by making food spicier? Or, should I make food more
>> bland?
> Sense of smell and taste tends to diminish as we get older, so don't
> hold back on the spices.
> John Kuthe...
Depends, my mom, 87 years old, taste is "WAS" diminishing also. The doctor
says her tongue is getting smooth that means her taste is going. However,
she also has problems with her stomach and has a hard time with high acidic
foods. She loves spicy foods but pays a price later. She does not like
bland foods but forces herself to eat to keep from loosing weight.
The good news is she is now taking Vitamin B-12 shots and her taste for
foods has dramatically improved. She is now gaining weight again. Even at
88 years old I think her health is better than Mine and her mind is also
very sharp.
Enjoy Life... Nad R (Garden in zone 5a Michigan)