ImStillMags wrote:
> On Jul 11, 10:36 am, "Jean B." > wrote:
>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>> On Mon, 11 Jul 2011 12:09:56 -0400, Jean B. wrote:
>>>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>>>> I have somebody coming in from Pittsburgh in a couple weeks and they
>>>>> better be bringing Cheeze Waffies if they plan on staying here.
>>>> Oh, please don't get me thinking about Cheese Waffies.
>>> We both spelled it wrong. Here, have some Cheez Waffies!
>>> -sw
>> Oh no! No, I'm not going to look. For better or for worse, one
>> can get them here, although it can be quite a hunt. I have loved
>> those since I was pretty young. I generally resist them because I
>> know if they make it into the house, the inevitable will happen.
>> --
>> Jean B.
> I didn't know they still made those. I haven't seen any for
> years. I'm craving them.
Yeah, I thought they had stopped. But lo and behold! I spotted
them on the supermarket shelf. Hmmm. Maybe I can make an LC
version. How would I get the right amount of tang in the center?
I am thinking of the old Wispride, but I don't think that's
quite right--or is it? (Another thing I haven't had for a long
time. Does it still exist?) The exterior might be made from
crisped cheese and maybe some ground nuts.
Jean B.