Today I made my first dinner for my mother
On Jul 11, 10:36*pm, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
> My mom is a big pusher of desserts for special occasions. *We have all tried
> to talk her out of this because we are a family of diabetics. *Not all are,
> but many are. *And many are overweight. *We simply do not need the desserts.
> She keeps insisting that everyone wants them despite the fact that we have
> discussed this both in front of her and *behind her back and we've come to
> the conclusion that *she* is the one who wants the desserts. *I think my dad
> does too but he is not vocal about it.
> Anyway... *If we go to a buffet, my mom will take three desserts and usually
> also some kind of sweet muffin. *Also fried okra. *In other words all things
> that are not necessarily good for you nutritionwise. *She did go through a
> big fruit phase some years ago where she ate mainly fruit for her meals and
> then of course the desserts. *She also loves things like waffles, fried
> cinnamon rolls with maple syrup and any kind of bakery items as a meal.
> Just not good. *Good luck with your mom!
Yep, yer mom is nuts. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.