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Lou decruss Lou decruss is offline
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Default OT my blank replies

On Mon, 11 Jul 2011 17:30:27 -0700, Christine Dabney
> wrote:

>On Mon, 11 Jul 2011 09:12:19 -0700, Bob Terwilliger
> wrote:
>>1. Sort messages by thread, INCLUDING THE ORIGINAL POST IN THE THREAD.
>>For some remarkably-stupid reason, all replies are assigned to a
>>different thread than the original post. Doesn't matter whether I tell
>>it to sort by Subject or sort by thread, Agent assigns each original
>>post to its own one-post thread.

>Wow. Mine doesn't do that. I would have to see your settings, but I
>have really, really long threads ... I have never had a problem with
>setting it so it threads nicely and picks up all the messages in the
>thread. About the only time it does differently, is if the subject

If you accidentally hit the subject button it will do that. You fix
it in the view/sort menu. I did it and it took me a few minutes to
figure it out but it's no big deal.
>>2. Archive messages as text files which can be searched by range of
>>dates, by author, by subject, or by some phrase within the message.

>This one, I am not sure about. There is a group that deals with
>Agent..maybe ask on there? It is on usenet. I used to frequent it,
>but I haven't in quite some time.
>>3. Include a search function which actually FINDS the things which I
>>know are there. I can open a message, read it, close it, and then use
>>Agent to search for it -- but it can't find the thing I was JUST

>I know this can be done. Again, ask on the Agent support group.

Global search does it. I've been using agent for 12 years and
upgraded to 6.0 in January. It took a couple days to figure it out
but I like it a lot. I've tried other readers and like this the best.
To each their own though.
