Today I made my first dinner for my mother
On Tue, 12 Jul 2011 15:43:47 +0000 (UTC), Doug Freyburger
> wrote:
> gloria.p wrote:
> >
> > On the other hand, many older people were raised on bland, non-ethnic
> > foods and some consider salt, pepper, and a hint of garlic or onion to
> > be SPICY!
> And as we age our digestion gets weaker. Spicy foods can cause
> indigestion in older folks. I even noticed that in myself as I entered
> my 50s, to a small extent so far but that calendar is going to keep
> flipping pages.
The man at the Arab market I found told me cumin is used for digestive
purposes. I didn't know.
Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.