On 12 Jul 2011 23:17:13 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>On 2011-07-12, Jim Elbrecht > wrote:
>> I don't know the specifics-- but that would be a huge advantage,
>> especially on a boat.
>Maybe in 1870.
I suspect they are still pretty conscious of weight and bulk on a
ship. Leaves more room for computers and ammo.
>> time I had the Navy cooking for me was NWS Yorktown, VA. They were
>> using chipped beef in '72.
>Probably beef left over from '71 ......1871.
<G> The oldest food that we *knew* the date of was the C rations we
were eating in Vietnam in 1969. Some were dated from the late 40's.
And that was after our Bn had been there for 4 years. Presumably the
'old' ones had already been consumed. They were pretty good, too.
Even the Lucky Strike Greens were smoke-able.