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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default What country do you live in?

On Jul 12, 3:57*pm, Robert Payne > wrote:

> Well, as this is my last post here and certainly my last time reading
> any of the attack/counter attack nonsense that has taken over rfc,
> I'll say only one thing; it took me only twenty minutes to find a
> moderated food/cooking forum on up-to-date software that will be where
> I enjoy posting and reading. RFC is nothing but a group of about a
> dozen small-minded bullies who post nasty comments back and forth at
> each other. You people enjoy your non-food group. I'll be in a real
> one with real, polite people who know how to talk to each other
> without attacking each other in every post. Good riddance to all of
> you. You deserve each other. You'll note that I didn't share where
> I've gone. That is simply to keep you bunch from even thinking of
> going there. Enjoy your dog fighting pit.

I hope I'm not writing this without you seeing it. Over the
years I have been a regular poster on only maybe 4 groups. My first
experience was in a comedy group. There were a lot of pro standup
comics posting there. Some of them were not happy with newcomers who
didn't seem to meet their standards. There were a few genuine trolls
on the group, people looking for arguments. But overall the mix was
nice. Eventually the offended pro comics got their own moderated
group and it died literally within a few months. The other group also
faded a bit. But overall I'd say a group is sort of like a 24/7 tv
station that claims to devote itself to one thing. In time that
station will need to brach out beyond what it calls itself if it's
going to remain in business on a 24/7 basis. If any group were used
only for what a select few wanted, it would not be very busy. Now you
might say that's fine, you'd like that. But would you really? Look
at the food channel for instance. There's probably lots of
contributions on that station you don't care for (I'm guessing" - just
as there are going to be contributions into a newsgroup you're not
going to care for.

Eat or be eaten,