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Meghan Noecker Meghan Noecker is offline
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Default OT my blank replies

On Wed, 13 Jul 2011 03:25:48 -0500, "Storrmmee"
> wrote:

>ooohhhh and i thought chesters was pricey... his bill was just at four
>hundred and that included kitty tooth paste and a bag of K/R which he is now
>on because of the blood tests before the surgery...

Quinn has had two dental surgeries already. The first was $800 and
they removed 2 teeth, did 3 xrays, and cleaned the rest. Immediate

4 months later, she had a bad tooth again. We tried some various
treatments, but it was pretty obvious that she had a chronic problem.
From researching online and asking people at cat shows (many with
similar problems), I determined that the est solution was to go ahead
and pull all the back teeth. The problem starts under the gumline, so
teeth brushing will slow it down, but not stop it. Her teeth were
rotting from the inside. I got an estimate, and I thought we were
getting all back teeth pulled. They removed one tooth, did only 2
xrays, and cleaned the rest. $750.

I was very upset and changed vets. They were either incompetent or
trying to milk me one tooth at a time. The new vet is much better,
and the $800 estimate is for a full set of 6 xrays, 7 teeth removed,
and cleaning the rest of the teeth. She will look at every tooth in
thexrays and pull anything that shows a hint of damage. And she will
pull the other top molars evenif they look good since they are
guaranteed togo bad later anyway.

So, this should hopefully be the solution. Quinn is a good sport and
tolerates a lot, but I can tell that she was never fully good after
the last dental surgery. The first time, she ate dry food for awhile
afterward. This time, she tried and dropped it. I don't care if she
eats dry food or not, but I do care that she wants to and can't. That
means she hurts. I wish there were a way to prove a cat is in pain as
they do hide it ecause of instinct. My old vet just didn't believe me
that she was still in pain. I know my cat, and I while she acts happy,
I know she is putting up with pain.

I am almost to my goal, so I am hoping to make the appointment next
week and take the first available day to do it.