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Lou decruss Lou decruss is offline
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Default Who uses a bar code app?

On Tue, 12 Jul 2011 12:14:49 -0400, Metspitzer >

>On Tue, 12 Jul 2011 10:44:21 -0500, Lou Decruss
> wrote:
>>Blanket statements like this make you look really stupid. When I was
>>doing home inspections my record was 58 in one day. If you think that
>>could de done with a map- atlas - gazetteer you're nuts. Actually
>>you're nuts either way.

>58 home inspections in one day?


> How many times did you actually step inside?

I don't remember what I did that day. I try not to think about that 8
months of my life.

> What were you inspecting for?

This is OT so I'll try to keep it short. If you're 45 days late on
your mortgage someone will be taking pictures of your house and
assessing whether you've bolted or not and if the property is being
taken care of. That type inspection sometimes required contact or
leaving a door hanger. Sometimes the order wanted contact with a
neighbor. Once a bank takes a house back it gets a walk through with
pictures of every room and all four sides of the building and the
status of the utilities verified.

In my state if you have a major insurance claim the bank gets the
check and holds it until they have another set of eyes verify the work
was actually done. I also did that.

There's MUCH more to it but that's the basics. It's a crap job. I
found one that I had a feeling about and even though it was listed as
no contact I saw a neighbor outside so I talked to him. Turned out
the owner had died in the kitchen. <---on topic He had three dogs
with no food other than the corpse so they fed off him for 10 days
according to the coroner. His kids spent 70 grand to clean up the
house but stopped paying the mortgage. Inspections like this that
turn into investigations are time consuming and I actually would lose
money which is why I quit.
