Sloppy Joe's
blake murphy wrote:
> notbob wrote:
>> Doug Freyburger > wrote:
>>> When I was in the Navy 78-84 SOS was either chipped beef on toast or
>>> ground beef on toast. Either one was called SOS.
>> Perhaps you can't tell the difference.
> they seem like two completely different dishes to me.
Washington, DC and Washington state seem like completely different
places to me. Yet they share a name. New York City and New York state,
too. Buffalo, NY and Buffalo, WY. Pasadena, CA and Pasadena, TX.
It works for more than places, too. Ship of dreams. ship of state.
Neither actually boats on the water. Names are beyond the kenn of folks
who try to make sense of them.
I'll go with the principle that in the military everything is called
sh*t and toast gets called shingles even when it's biscuits not toast.
Getting brown gravy on bisquits called SOS is bizarre even for a
military chow hall, but I remember it happening. Once. I think enough
laughed that it wasn't called that the next time.