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Lou decruss Lou decruss is offline
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Default Who uses a bar code app?

On Wed, 13 Jul 2011 13:24:28 -0400, Metspitzer >

>On Wed, 13 Jul 2011 08:58:21 -0500, Lou Decruss
> wrote:

>>There's MUCH more to it but that's the basics. It's a crap job. I
>>found one that I had a feeling about and even though it was listed as
>>no contact I saw a neighbor outside so I talked to him. Turned out
>>the owner had died in the kitchen. <---on topic He had three dogs
>>with no food other than the corpse so they fed off him for 10 days
>>according to the coroner. His kids spent 70 grand to clean up the
>>house but stopped paying the mortgage. Inspections like this that
>>turn into investigations are time consuming and I actually would lose
>>money which is why I quit.

>I could not think of any type home inspection that could be properly
>done at 7 houses an hour. That sounds like it may be a valid example.

They claimed the people with inner city territories were doing 125 a
day which I have a hard time believing. I had one townhouse complex
that had about a dozen monthly's. I could do that in about 45
minutes. That was decent money but most of the time the pay sucked
and the stress was high.
