Thread: Popsicles
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Jim Elbrecht Jim Elbrecht is offline
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Default Popsicles

On Fri, 15 Jul 2011 09:50:52 -0700 (PDT), ImStillMags
> wrote:

>Mark Bittman has some yummy sounding recipes for popsicles, sweet,
>savory and boozy ones, in
>todays NY Times.

And speaking of possible- ice pops- whatever. What do *you* use to
freeze them in? We've had those Tupperware molds with the straw
for ages. I got some Flute pops for $4 for 4 pops. Then my wife
saw some sets at the dollar store and brought them home.

I looked at the Zoku- But couldn't justify a $50 pop maker that only
did 3 at a time.

I'd say all are comparable-- and all have the same drawback that I
don't care for. I guess it is probably just 60 years of getting
used to wooden sticks - but I always feel like the bases of these
things interfere with my enjoyment of the end of the pop.

Does anyone have a set that the stick & base separate after freezing?
I can see why they all have bases- to hold the stick and cover the
product-- I just want to lose the base before eating the pop.

I also want to be able to do 2 pops or 12 without taking up a giant
bunch of real estate in the freezer- so those individual ones are
