Bring me a 7-Up in French or I'll sue you
On 16/07/2011 7:46 PM, Michel Boucher wrote:
> I met a woman in Boston who had the name Côté. It turned out we
> were related as her Côté relatives came from the same village as my
> Côté relatives (Sainte-Croix). I'm probably related to this fellow
> too. Québecois of French ancestry account for more than 40 million
> people in North America. And we're all related, distantly but
> close enough to call each other cousin.
I just found a list of the most common surnames in North America. Smith
is number two and Brown, my mother's maiden name is number 5. Iwas
surprised to see that first place is Li and third is Lamb. Cote is
number 15.
Maybe we are related, my great great great great grandmother was French
Canadian by the name Choisy.