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Richard Kovach
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Default what's fermenting?

On the "ready for bottling" side of the bench is about 5.5l of
cranberry and 16.5l crabapple. The cranberry looks crystal clear now
so I'll probably serve some tomorrow (it's Thanksgiving weekend here
in Canada) and bottle the rest. There's also about 6l of Cabranillo
(CabSauv/Tempranillo blend) that was started a couple months ago from
frozen leftovers of the 2002 crush.

In secondaries from this year's crush, all from CA central valley
30l Ruby Cabernet
20l Grenache
28l Zinfandel
20l Merlot
21l CabSauv/Alicante blend
31l Syrah
and there's also about 4l worth of Syrah doing a very extended
maceration in a very high proportion of skins -- juice I drew off as
saignee and then added back to a bunch of the pressed skins from the
main batch, as an experiment. Hopefully it's still OK and I'll press
this today.

I'm a bit surprised that some of these (Zin, Grenache, Ruby Cab) are
almost crystal clear already after only 3 or 4 weeks in the secondary
and 1 or two rackings.

So far the Zin seems to be the class of the field. It had a 2-day
cold soak, 4 day fermentation with K1V, and an additional 9 day
extended maceration. But all seem at least decent, with the only real
disappointment being the Cab/Alicante blend as developed a bad case of
H2S while I was too busy to be checking it. I'm treating that batch
now and am fairly confident I can save it.
