On 7/17/2011 12:52 AM, Steve Pope wrote:
> > wrote:
>> On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 02:57:36 +0000 (UTC),
>> (Steve Pope) wrote:
>>> John > wrote:
>>>> I break my linguini in 1/2 before cooling, to fit it into the pot of
>>>> water.
>>> Huh?
>> His pot is obviously too small.
> Well, that and it isn't necessary that the uncooked spaghetti fit
> in the pot... it only has to half-fit, and then it flops down.
Exactly, I do that often when only cooking a small quantity. Put the
unbroken pasta in the pot, within seconds you can push the rest in if it
already hasn't flopped in itself.
> I like this discussion. It is so fundamental.
> Steve