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Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Which tool? meat grinding

"Polly Esther" wrote:
>Thank you so much. I didn't realize the meat grinding topic was still going
>on. What you've said makes lots of sense and it would have take me a long
>time to figure it out myself. I appreciate your guidance. Polly

The most important thing to keep in mind is that grinding is not a way
to salvage poor quality meat... garbage in/garbage out... only choose
meat cuts that you would eat without grinding. In other words trim
away the parts you wouldn't eat were it not ground. Meat for grinding
should be better quality and better trimmed than that prepared by
other methods, because once ground you cannot remove the trashy
parts... after cooking and before eating you can always trim around a
roast or steak but you can't trim burgers and sausage. If you're
going to grind poor quality untrimmed meat you may as well buy already
ground mystery meat. The entire concept of grinding your own meat is
exactly the same as seeing your choice nekid BEFORE committing to
sleep with them. If you only undress in the dark then you are mystery
meat. There are no restaurants (none) that on their best day prepare
better quality foods than I prepare on my worst day. Next yoose eat
out remember everything you're served was prepared Dr. Frankenstein
style... a Horror show.