Bring me a 7-Up in French or I'll sue you
spamtrap1888 > wrote in
>> Nothing...nothing at all...because it's "une grosse Mol"
>> (feminine). ˙I don't drink beer so I don't know. ˙Obviously a
>> Molson something or other.
> If you know dick about Canadian beer, then why are you
> pontificating on it?
You consider saying that they could bring you a Laurentide if you
ask for a Canadian is pontificating? Are you sensitive about beer
labels? Did you cry when they retired the stubby?
I didn't say I knew dick about beer, I said I don't drink Molson.
Steamwhistle, Beau's Lager, mostly microbrewery stuff. RotM beer
is unappealing but I am not entirely unaware of it.
I should have said "that beer". I was in a hurry. So sue me.
"War is the terrorism of the rich and powerful and
terrorism is the war of the poor and powerless."
Peter Ustinov