Bring me a 7-Up in French or I'll sue you
Janet Wilder > wrote:
>We had terrible treatment in Montreal. I speak some French and never
>failed to use a bon jour (monsieur/madame), pardonez moi s'il vous plais
>(I spell as badly in French as I do in 3 other languages) as I know that
>it is proper in French culture to offer a greeting and apology before
>asking a question.
That's unfortunate. We had good experiences on our two visits
to Montreal, one of which included a side trip deeper into Quebec,
up into a "Reserve Faunique".
>We were maltreated to the point of terror at the border entry into
>Quebec Province.
Canada border control can be very unfriendly. The same is true of U.K.
I am not sure why this is.