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Default Lactose Intolerant?

"Jack Schidt®" writes:

>"Anthony" > wrote in message
>> My bro in law and his wife are coming to stay for a week and she has just
>> been diagnosed as lactose intolerant. Any tips on what to feed/ not feed
>> them? In particular, any good dessert recipes? Most of mine depend

>> on butter and cream. TIA.

>Some folks are ok with butter and cheese. I'm the only person I know who
>can eat cheese, butter, sour cream, et al, but get nauseous when I drink a
>glass of milk.

No you're not. At least, not now. ;-)

Anthony, check with your in-law and see just how lactose intolerant she is.
Many folks with mild lactose intolerance can do butter since it's almost
entirely milk fat and contains very little milk sugar (lactose) which is what
causes the problem. ditto most aged (rennet curred) cheeses. Avoid all
processed cheese, including cream cheese, which is not the product of
rennet-digested curds.

As a tip, if you used any processed foods such as canned or jarred sauces, read
the labels carefully and look for either milk solids, lactose, or such.
There's a lot of it hiding out there.

Also, check to make certain it's lactose intolerance and not a milk allergy.
Allergies can cause really bad reactions, lactose intolerance, at worst, can
make everyone else in the room wish they were in another zip code.


>Why not ask them?
>Jack Casein