Andy wrote:
>John Kuthe > wrote:
>> On Jul 19, 10:15*pm, Sky > wrote:
>> ...
>>> ...I have access to oven & charcoal grill. *However, due
>>> to recent weather conditions, the oven is preferred choice right now!
>>> It's way too hot to go outside and use the charcoal grill at this
>>> * HELP & TIA. 
>>> Sky
>> So you'd rather crank up the oven inside and pay a lotta $$ for the A/
>> C to then move the oven heat outside than just go outside and fire up
>> the grill?
>> Pathetic!
>> John Kuthe...
>C'mon. I forget where Sky is, Illinois but the outside heat and air
>quality could be more oppressive outside.
>Why double or triple the discomfort? For some people it could be equally
>as risky.
In this oppressive weather why even consider cooking a roast... first
thing this morning I got a pot going with four kinds of summer squash
from my garden cut up stewing in olive oil n' butter, tomato sauce
with garlic, onion, carrots, celery, bell pepper, potatoes, 'talian
herb mix, s n'p... got a six quart potful... gonna go with pan fly
poke chops for tonight's din-din... gonna use the veggie stew to
deglaze the chops pan... and got a warty melone, beebleberries n'
stromberries inna fridge... poifect stifling weather fare.